Saturday, January 30, 2010

Preparing for Christmas in Motown

The first snow in Morgantown. We went up to the "top of the town" and took some winter wonderland photos.
Brandon enjoyed putting on his ornaments and hanging the stockings by our fireplace.
After B cut down the tree I tried to help, but really just got the saw stuck in the tree 4 or 5 times. It looks like I really helped... but nope.

Notice the rope around this tree, that's to signal that I lassoed it, because it was determined that it was perfect for the 2009 Jones' Christmas tree.
The hunt.

Thanksgiving in Athens

Squeaker loves "Bandon"
Thanksgiving Day at the Hanson's
A lovely Thanksgiving meal with the Hanson's, McMartin's and the Mason's.
Spending time with friends.
Miles and Brandon are buddies. Even though Brandon refused to wear a matching purple wrestling singlet like Miles had on.

Fall 2009

Rollerblading on a wonderful fall afternoon. Brandon felt as though his manhood was being stripped away at every graceful glide!! ;)
The Kowalski's come to visit us in Morgantown in November, so we took them to Cooper's Rock State Park. A beautiful view of the mountain range that surrounds us.
Jerry West, (aka the NBA basketball logo) played at WVU.